Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sailing through the curtain

As you drift away from the shoreline, a cool, thick grey fog gathers ahead of you. It obscures your surroundings, allowing you to focus on you. Now is the time to cut the cords that tie you to unhealthy parts of your life.  Let them get lost in this living fog.  This is the curtain wall.  Notice the scent and sight of the curtain.  This is veil between places, and it is alive.  If you allow it, the curtain wall can help you by allowing you to get lost in the Otherworld.  This can help you become for attuned to trusting your own instincts.  Sail your craft in any direction that feels right to you.  There is no wrong way.

This fog is a veil between one realm of the other world and the next.  Spend some time in to fog, simply drifting.  Feel for directional pulls that will lead you to the many island in this sea.  Each island is different, each holds new insights for you.  Where would you like to go?  What do you expect to see?

Feel free to visit islands as they come into view.  I have visited some, but certainly not all of these islands.  While you may feel frightened during time of this journey, remember that you are safe here, nothing will hurt you and that fear can be combated.

Enjoy your wanderings.  May you be blessed with teachers and lessons and wisdom!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The next stage of the journey- leaving land

After you have explored the lands around your spiritual home, you may be pulled to take another type of journey. This one is the soul sail.  To begin this journey, you must first find your boat.  Leave your home and travel to the seashore.  Explore the area and look for your vessel.  It may be a huge, grand craft or a tiny rowboat or anything in between.

Once you have found it, examine it.  What type of vessel is it?  What color is it? What is it made of?  Is there a name on it?  How does it feel to you?  Is there anything inside of it?  The answers to these questions are all reflections of you and your journey.  My sail began with a small silver ship with a single sail.  It was made of a silvery, otherworldly wood and was named.  My boat was a living being, yours may or may not be.

Once you are comfortable with your vessel, it will be time to begin the sail. Sailing into the West, the sea is vast, but calm.  Behind you is the shore.  In front you a thick fog bank. The boat knows the way and will take you to where you need to go.  Trust that you are safe and that you will see and learn many things.